Ordering Questions?
Yes, after you click one it will take you securely to PayPal, from there everything is done on their platform and is one the most secure!
Payments billed - SEEon.com
  ↳ on your statement.
Right now we have a 50+ apps goal for the amount of apps to make available. As a sponsor, you will get to offer them automatically as we add the new apps to the top of the "Apps Home" within your sponsored "FREE APPS" page!
Usually not, the prices have to go up over time as we add more apps to the service. Remember, the price you order at stays the same for those who order now, because of our "Price Guarantee"!
NO! We honor your price with our "Price Guarantee" as long as you keep your recurring payments in place without a cancellation. Any increases will be for future purchases only.
Yes, you can go into your PayPal account to cancel, and your apps will last until your remaining subscription runs out. However, you will have to re-purchase after that time at any new price increases; if you want to keep running your apps online past that.
✓ Current discount may not be offered again.
✗ NO refunds will be offered on service.
We assume you paid after you clicked it. If not, click the "SHOW AGAIN?" button to reveal it again; then you can pay on PayPal.
NOTE: All "Pay Now" buttons are treated the same regardless of what you chose.
Sure, we always have the full price available with a monthly subscription option. You can see that option either to the left of "Pay Now", -or- below. Also goto eBestApps.com/order/monthly for a dedicated monthly order page.
Well, when you pay us once a year it's like bulk buying, so it helps us invest in more apps being developed; then we can offer a nice discount!.
The short answer is YES! In most cases this would be a monthly subscription wanting to change to a lower priced yearly subscription. Regardless of the reason, you will have to reorder again...
  1. Order what you want currently.
  2. Then go into PayPal & cancel the old.
    ( ⇪ -or- vice versa )
  3. You don't need to resend your image & info, unless you want a change.
  4. We DO NOT offer refunds on past subscription orders.
One main reason is value for the above mentioned. Another reason is a more level playing field for each small biz/pro, and also better cost management for us in terms of what kind of bandwidth each account would typically use; therefore allowing the best prices for apps.