βeta Users
[ # of users ] in regions & states
( charts show data clockwise from top )
U.S. Regions []
- Pacific States0
- Southwest States0
- Mountain States0
- Midwest States0
- Northeast States0
- Southeast States0
Pacific States []
- Alaska13
- Hawaii14
- Washington24
- Oregon17
- California38
Southwest States []
- Arizona21
- New Mexico14
- Oklahoma15
- Texas34
Mountain States []
- Idaho13
- Nevada17
- Montana14
- Wyoming12
- Utah19
- Colorado28
Midwest States []
- N. Dakota12
- S. Dakota13
- Nebraska14
- Kansas15
- Minnesota16
- Iowa14
- Missouri13
- Wisconsin16
- Illinois26
- Michigan17
- Indiana15
- Ohio16
Northeast States []
- Pennsylvania22
- New York36
- New Jersey29
- Vermont13
- N. Hampshire12
- Massachusetts18
- Connecticut13
- Rhode Island12
- Maryland18
- Delaware11
- Maine12
Southeast States []
- Arkansas13
- Louisiana14
- Mississippi12
- Kentucky14
- Tennessee16
- Alabama13
- W. Virginia12
- Virginia24
- N. Carolina21
- S. Carolina17
- Georgia19
- Florida28
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The βeta Users for the FREE APPS are volunteers, we do not track regular users of eBestApps.us because of privacy policies we maintain to keep the apps truly free to use, with only unobtrusive small BIZ branding as the addition.
The map below shows the six different regions we break down the users in. The data above shows the number of users (with more coming) down to the state in the beta volunteer program (UserTesting), in the latest sampling.